Wednesday, November 11, 2009

verbal abuse

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
November 11, 2009

"the abuser feels he must
overpower his victim 
to feel good about himself"

Yesterday, the 10th of November, my witty supervisor verbally harassed me.It was a minor mistake made by my senior nurse and I was the one blamed. I am not happy about this, so I am seeking legal consultation from my lawyer friends.

My witty supervisor looked at all the kardex filed on my table.
She saw a minor mistake written on the kardex.
Says on the Blood and Plasma: MGH
*the abbreviation for may go home

She noticed that MGH should not be posted on the blood and plasma, hmmmmm
She asked me where should I place that damn MGH on the kardex...
I told her, just there. haha

thinking that I should save my senior nurse from the embarrassment.
Then she proudly says, "Do you want me to suspend you?" 
Big Deal!
Just for that damn MGH note on the blood and plasma kardex?
Is that a big mistake for her?
Bigger than killing a patient?

So, my alleged senior says sorry for writing it down that way.
hmmmmm I still think it wasn't a good move for my supervisor to act that way.
I think she is a real power tripper!
Alright, a mistake made by my senior nurse, but why was I blamed?
Why should I get suspended?
Even if it is a joke it is not a funny one. 

Verbal abuses occur in most work places especially in the Philippine setting, where the supervisors take control of their subordinates and abuse their position as a supervisor.

"..most verbal abuse 
occurs in one-on-one meetings 
where there is no witness."

    The most important thing for the woman to keep in mind is to trust her perceptions and to stand up for her right to be treated with respect in the workplace. This can be tough, as the all too frequent response from her coworkers is to blame the victim and support the perpetrator. For these reasons, it is imperative that she find supportive friends, a support group or a qualified counselor as she works to resolve this painful situation. Above all, she must believe that the abuse is not her fault! The abusive supervisor is accountable.

Believe in the power of K-a-r-m-a
Pray for the abuser
Maybe they will meet their match.


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